be inspired
I am a self-taught photographer. I am a curious girl living in my own ideal world of infinite possibilities, I’m the eternal daydreamer! What attracts me about photography is its visionary and its super power to go beyond reality. In this way it teaches me to “look harder” at people, things and situations, enriching my natural curiosity: I think that’s why it fits my personality so well.
The photos shown here are from my project “Vitamin Sea” that I started out some years ago. It’s an ongoing, personal project that I keep on adding to every summer when I get back to Barletta, my hometown in the South of Italy, where my parents still live. The aim of this project is to portray the positive interaction between people and the sea in a beach environment. My sea is a lively place, a bright place of joy. A sort of natural supplement of vitamin, the “vitamin sea”, able to recharge one’s personal batteries like nothing else, ready to make you feel alive again, and full of energies. So, with that in mind, I tried to capture with my camera that playful and happy co-existence, observing people’s behaviour, looking for the impromptu geometries created by pure chance, highlighting this cheerful intercourse.