August 21, 2020
Photography by Hersley-Ven Casero
Interview by Melanie Meggs
As a visual artist, Hersley-Ven Casero has the distinct honor of being able to capture the beauty and uniqueness of everyday life in Dumaguete City, Philippines, where he is based. From the mundane moments to the absolute randomness of life, Hersley-Ven has a unique ability to see and transform what may appear to be nothing more than an ordinary scene into an extraordinary moment of magic. When he's not in his studio creating art, Hersley-ven takes to the streets with his camera in hand, ready to capture the subtle nuances of strangers as they move and interact within their environment. It’s a remarkable gift, the kind that few possess. He is a master of his craft, infusing his art with a captivating intrigue that speaks to the heart and soul of his audience. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey into the world of a multidisciplinary visual artist — Hersley-Ven Casero.

“As a child and into adulthood, I have always been fascinated with creating images through art. During my time at Foundation University, I was lucky enough to be sponsored equipment and mentored by LA Times photographer Luis Sinco. Upon graduating, I worked for a while as an Art and Photography course teacher, and also conducted - along with Sir Luis, and Magnum Photographer Eli Reed - a series of South Pacific Photography Workshops attended by international photographers. I have since spent the last 16 years exploring the world of photography and continuously learning each day.”
THE PICTORIAL LIST: What do you want to express through your photography? And what are some of the elements you always try to include in your photographs?
HERSLEY-VEN CASERO: I am fascinated by the fact that every time I click the shutter in front of a stranger moving and interacting within their environment, I have caught a little piece of the absolute randomness of life, a snapshot of an otherwise unremarkable moment in history, that is timely, comical, tricky to the eye or just plain beautiful.
TPL: Where do you find your inspiration?
HVC: I find my inspiration from people, experiences and daily life.
TPL: Where is your favourite place to photograph?
HVC: I love to travel, and photographing a new place and along with it, its unique people, architecture, culture, movements and light. However, I’m learning more and more - particularly during this lockdown period - that you really don’t have to go very far to find a good picture. I’m learning as of late to rediscover new magic in the mundane of my own backyard.
TPL: Who are your favourite artists?
HVC: Luis Sinco, an award-winning Los Angeles Times Photographer. Henri Cartier-Bresson, Nikos Economopoulos, Alex Webb, David Alan Harvey, Joel Meyerowitz, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol, Vincent van Gogh and Georgia O’Keeffe. Just to mention a few.
TPL: Has your style of shooting changed since you first started?
HVC: Yes. I embrace change and believe in evolving as you learn and experience more. I’m constantly trying to learn and improve and hone in my skills and style. There is always more to explore and discover, and the world is constantly changing around us.
I have caught a little piece of the absolute randomness of life, a snapshot of an otherwise unremarkable moment in history, that is timely, comical, tricky to the eye or just plain beautiful.

TPL: Do you prefer to photograph alone or with friends?
HVC: I enjoy both for different reasons. For me, photographing alone is like a meditation. It’s when I’m at my most focused and serene. Photographing with photographer friends can also be a really fun experience though, as you learn from your peers and bounce ideas off each other along the way, and it can really freshen things up to get a different perspective on things.
TPL: How does the equipment you use help you in achieving your vision in your photography? Do you have a preferred lens/focal length? What would you say to someone wanting to start out in your genre of photography?
HVC: I’m a versatile photographer. My first serious equipment was sponsored by the Los Angeles Times - zoom lenses and heavy-duty DSLR bodies. For my most recent purchase, after a lot of research and consideration for the way in which I use my equipment, I opted for a Fujifilm camera, and a Prime lens equivalent to 35mm focal length. The best equipment you can have is the one you have. You can always start from somewhere. If purchasing expensive equipment is out of your reach for the time being, I believe in making use of what you have available and it will give you pictures. The reason I chose the Fujifilm – and the advice I would give to someone starting out in Street Photography – is that, as well as being a great camera, it is compact, lightweight and inconspicuous.
TPL: How long have you been involved in the artistic world before photography?
TPL: Are there any special projects you are currently working on?
HVC: For the last few months, I have volunteered to officially document the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in my home city. I have been recording the empty streets, the community efforts, and people’s moving personal stories every day since the quarantine period began here in Dumaguete.
*Editor's Note: Read Hersley's story QUARANTINE CHRONICLE about this project on the website.
TPL: What are some of your goals as an artist? Where do you see yourself or hope to see yourself in five years?
HVC: This is a hard question to answer, as the world is full of uncertainty these days, and you never know what’s around each corner. All I know is that I see myself still creating, and still clicking the camera shutter wherever I go.
TPL: “When I am not out photographing, I (like to)...
HVC: Paint! I like to stay in the studio, listen to soothing music, make art, and watch inspiring documentaries with my equally creative partner.”

Hersley-Ven Casero is truly gifted in his ability to capture moments that appear mundane and transform them into something extraordinary. His work has a powerful impact, as he is able to showcase the beauty that emerges from these moments of everyday life. His talent for transforming the ordinary into something truly remarkable speaks to his unique vision and creativity. We invite you to explore his work further. Use the links below to discover more of Hersley-Ven's art and see the world through his eyes.